
This free-to-attend event is for Headteachers, Deputy Headteachers, Finance Directors, Bursars, Business Managers, Governors, Local Authority education leaders, PTA’s, IT Managers and school leadership teams from the state, academy and private sectors.

Delegates come to this free event to meet the key suppliers in the market and visit the conference to hear the latest trends and analysis directly from local and senior government figures who set and implement the national and regional education agenda.

Lunch, refreshments and parking are all free-of-charge for all attending delegates!

The place for quality education support services

The Eastern Education Show is the one-stop-shop for core services to schools and academies in the East. Organised by Revolution Events, the team behind the The Education People Show events that have been running for six years, this exciting event is specifically designed to provide school’s key decision-makers with the chance to meet with leading educational suppliers face-to-face.

High value conference sessions

This exciting event is specifically designed to provide a highly productive and informative day – with a free conference that includes inspirational keynotes and educational workshops.

We are working hard to make The Eastern Education Show as sustainable as possible. Click here to read our sustainability measures and how you as a delegate or exhibitor can help.

2024 Exhibitors: